Build to Suit on 0.48 Acres in Downtown Midland, TX!

601 W Missouri Ave | Midland, TX 79701


Lease Rate

Property Details

Lease Rate:Negotiable
Property Type:Land
Lot Size:0.48 Acres

Property Description

Featuring a 0.48 acre lot with frontage on Missouri Street in Downtown Midland! This property is well suited for a variety uses including drive-thru food service, pharmacy, or similar retail chain. With over 3.3 million square feet of office space, Midland's Central Business District is the hub of the Permian Basin. A retail or restaurant chain would have multiple sources of customers within walking distance such as large Oil & Gas operators, major bank headquarters, school district offices, and churches. Contact Amy Barnett or Dakota Flowers for more details.

Location Description

Located in Downtown Midland, this property is 0.17 miles North of the intersection of S. Big Spring St and Business 20. Travel 0.17 miles West to the location on the South of the road.


  • 0.48 Acres fully Fenced and Stabilized
  • Located Downtown Midland, TX
  • Zoned CB (Central Business District)
  • City Utilities
  • Hard corner of Missouri Ave. and Pecos St.
  • Two blocks West of Big Spring St.
  • One block South of Wall St.
  • Walking distance from Centennial Park & Bush Convention Center


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Name Space Type Space Size Lease Rate Lease Term
Build to Suit on 0.48 Acres in Downtown Midland, TX! - 0.48 Acres Negotiable Negotiable
Build to Suit on 0.48 Acres in Downtown Midland, TX!
Name Build to Suit on 0.48 Acres in Downtown Midland, TX!
Space Type -
Space Size 0.48 Acres
Lease Rate Negotiable
Lease Term Negotiable
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1 Miles 5 Miles 10 Miles
Total households 6 1,097 1,623
Total population 11 2,289 3,240
Population white 90.9% 82.7% 84.9%
Population black 0.0% 1.8% 1.9%
Population hispanic 9.1% 50.0% 42.2%
Population asian 0.0% 0.3% 0.2%
Population pacific islander 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
Population american indian 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
Population other 0.0% 3.1% 3.0%
Persons per household 1.8 2.1 2
Average household income $72,432 $39,488 $45,599
Average house value $215,567 $63,836 $92,692
Average age 41.5 30.8 34.1
Average age male 51.2 31.7 35.9
Average age female 40.3 30.4 33.7
2020 American Community Survey (ACS)